Octopus mustard sauce

Dice the tacoma marinade, soaked in spices overnight.

Chop the boiled eggs roughly and mix with the octopus and <A> seasonings in a bowl.

Spread thinly sliced lemons on a plate and serve with the topped octopus. Sprinkle with sansho pepper and chili pepper, and decorated with the flowers, and you're done.

- Boiled eggs
- 1 piece
- Grain mustard
- 1 tsp
- garlic
- 1/2 tsp
- Perfume
- 1 tsp
- vinegar
- 1 tsp
- mayonnaise
- 2 tsp
- Lemon juice
- Small amount
- Powdered pepper
- Appropriate amount
- Ichimi chili pepper
- Appropriate amount
- For decoration of the flower
- Appropriate amount