Chestnut zenzai

Japanese food
Desserts and drinks
Tamura Takashi
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The key is to boil the red beans thoroughly before adding sugar. The amount of sugar in the recipe is only a guideline, so try tasting it and finish it to your preferred sweetness. In general recipes, a small amount of salt is added to enhance the sweetness, but in order to avoid any impurities, this recipe seasons only with sugar.
Cooking time: 240 minutes
Excluding the time when red beans are flooded and the time when they are prepared for sweet chestnuts
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How to make it

Put the red beans in a pot, add enough water to cover and let it soak for 30 minutes.


Place it on a heater and bring to a boil and wash it under running water to let the scum go away. Fill the pot with water again and simmer over low heat for about 3.5 hours.


Add about 1/3 of the total amount of sugar and simmer over a heat that does not boil. Add remaining sugar in 2-3 portions. After simmering for about 20 minutes, remove from the heat and pour into a bowl.


Topped with sweet chestnut stewed in sweet chestnuts, it's finished.

  • Uses azuki
  • sugar
    Approximately 230g
  • For sweet chestnut
    Appropriate amount

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