Grilled peppers with eggs

Kataoka Mamoru
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Don't cook too much, but finish it in a half-boiled state. A frying pan (in the recipe above) should be around 26cm.
Cooking time: 17 minutes
0 posts in arranging recipes
How to make it

Put A in a bowl.


Heat the olive oil and garlic in a frying pan, and when it smells good, add vegetables other than tomatoes, fry, and add salt.


Once it's soft, add the tomatoes and mix, then add [1].


Stir widely several times, and once the browning begins to brown slowly from the foreground, mold it, and place on a plate.


Place all the ingredients in the sauce in a frying pan to warm it up.


Add [5] to [4]. Finish with parsley.

Materials 1 person

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