Stewed dried radish

Japanese food
Vegetable side dishes
Tamura Takashi
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Dry the remaining radish peels in a well-ventilated place in a colander for several days. You can easily make dried radish. Use this dried radish to make a stew with a flavor.
Also, if you fried tofu in high-quality oil, you don't need to remove the oil.
Cooking time: 35 minutes
Excluding the time to put dried radish back
0 posts in arranging recipes
How to make it

Refrigerate the dried radish with water overnight. (Soak it in water overnight and it will swell up many times.)


Quickly blanch [1] with hot water and drain away the water.


Layer two slices of fried tofu and shred them.


[2] and add the fried tofu to a pot, add all the seasonings and stir. Turn on the fire, drop it in aluminum foil, cover it, and simmer it. (In the middle, remove from the heat, remove the lid and add the process to cool. The flavor will soak in.)


Once the broth is gone, pour 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce over it to add flavor.


Place in a bowl and sprinkle some flour pepper and you're done.


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