Chawanmushi with shirako

Kataoka Mamoru
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Western-style chawanmushi with milt. It melts softly in your mouth.
By shifting the lid of the steamer, there is a way for air to escape, making it difficult for the air to enter.
Cooking time: 25 minutes
Explain the preparation time for the milt.
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How to make it

Wash the milt and cut into bite-sized pieces. Put the milt in boiling water with salt and lemon added and cook for about 30 seconds to drain the water.


Break the two eggs apart. Spread the soak in a bowl, pour in the beaten eggs and strain. It is best to strain the egg mixture that remains in the air by squeezing it through a rag.


Combine all the ingredients for the dashi stock, pour the dashi stock into the strained egg mixture and gently mix with a rubber spatula.


After dividing the milt from [1] into a bowl or cup, scoop [3] with a ladle and pour gently. Crush any air bubbles with a spoon or something similar.


Place in a steamer with steaming steamer and steam over high heat for 1.5 minutes. Then tilt the lid diagonally to create an outlet for air and steam over low heat for 10 minutes.


Make bean paste while it's steamed. Put the ingredients for the [Angrilled Bean] other than the water-soluble potato starch in a small pot and heat it, then add the water-soluble potato starch in several portions to thicken it.


Once the chawanmushi is ready, pour the prepared bean paste over top and top with yuzu skin and clams topping.

5 ingredients

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