Shrimp chili sauce

Drain the pre-treated shrimp, use a knife to cut it onto the back and sprinkle it with potato starch. Use with its shell.

Heat the frying oil to 190°C and fry the shrimp for about 20 seconds. The inside is about half a year.

Fry 1 tablespoon of scallion oil in a heated frying pan, minced white green onions, ginger and garlic. Add the aromatic [A] in order and mix well.

Add the fried shrimp to [3] and fry the sauce so that it is mixed well. Add water-soluble potato starch to make it thick. To finish off, pour in chili oil and balm oil from the pot and it's finished.

- Preparation of shrimp
- 5 fish
- potato starch
- Appropriate amount
- Fried oil
- Appropriate amount
- Scallion oil
- 1 tablespoon
- Chop white leeks
- 30g
- Chop ginger
- 10g
- Chop garlic
- 10g
- Bean paste sauce
- 1 tsp
- ketchup
- 2 tbsp
- Alcohol
- 1 tablespoon
- Chinese soup
- 60cc
- sugar
- 2 tsp
- salt
- 1/4 tsp
- For finishing chili oil
- 1 tsp
- For finishing persimmon
- 1 tsp