Watercress fried noodles with fried noodles

Fry 1 tablespoon of scallion oil in a heated frying pan and add <A> to the aromatic scent.

Add the steamed noodles and pour the soup into the noodles. Add half of the watercress cut into easy-to-eat sizes to the mixture and mix well.

Once the watercress is soft, add the remaining half of the watercress.

Fry over high heat to remove moisture, and finish off with a scent with a persimmon.

- Scallion oil
- 1 tablespoon
- Red chili pepper chopped
- Small amount
- Chop ginger
- 1 tsp
- Chop garlic
- 1/2 tsp
- Scallop boiled can
- 1 tablespoon
- Nampula
- 1 tsp
- Chinese soup
- 100cc
- Black Pepper
- Small amount
- 100g
- For finishing persimmon
- 1 tsp