Kariruya eggplant stick frit

Cut the Kariku eggplant into sticks, 1cm thick and 10cm long.

Mix [A] to make a batter.
Stir in the chopped eggplant and fry in hot oil for 2 and a half minutes.

Mix [B] and sprinkle on the fried eggplant.

After stacking it on a plate, spread the remaining curry powder and Italian parsley to finish.

- Kariru family eggplant
- 1 bottle
- Tempura flour
- 60g
- water
- 1/2 cup
- Olive oil
- 1 tsp
- Fried oil
- Appropriate amount
- Curry powder
- 1/2 tbsp
- salt
- 1/2 tbsp
- Italian parsley for finishing, minced
- Appropriate amount