Tomato soba noodles

Prepare the tomato extract.
Remove the tomatoes and place them in a blender to make puree. Place it in a strainer with a soaked cloth and place in the fridge, and leave it for about 2 days. This will then be divided into tomato puree and clear tomato extract. It's easy to make tomatoes if you use about 800g.

Put the dried noodles soba in a bowl, pour enough water to cover the noodles, soak it for about 10 minutes, then boil it in boiling water for about 3 minutes. Give the boiled soba noodles in a colander.
One tomato slice is made from 5mm wide. Chop the parsley roughly.

Place the soba noodles in a bowl and pour in soup made with tomato extract and a pair of alphabet sweet potatoes. Topped with tomatoes and parsley and finished.

- Tomato extract
- 120cc
- For tomato
- Appropriate amount
- For parsley
- Appropriate amount