Ayu rice cooked

After dropping the scales of the Ayu, cut off its head, put a blade in its belly to remove the internal organs. After rinsing off the bloody blood with running water, lower the body into three pieces. Carefully remove bones and fins using bone deflection.

Break the head, blanch it with the middle bone and fin, then transfer it to a heated frying pan before roasting.

Put [2], kelp and water in a pot, and heat over the heat for 2-3 minutes and take the dashi.

Place the ayu meat in a heated frying pan and brown both sides.

Add rice that has been soaked in a clay pot, the ayu meat, the kelp used for the dashi, 2 cups of dashi from [3] strained with sardines, sake and dark soy sauce.

Cover and heat over high heat, then turn off the heat and steam for 10 minutes when the contents start to boil.
*The time required to cook rice varies depending on the shape of the clay pot, so please refer to the instructions.

Once cooked, mix the whole thing and serve in a bowl to finish.

- Ayu
- 2 fish
- Rice
- 2 go
- kelp
- About 3g
- water
- 2 cups
- Japanese sake
- 1 tablespoon
- Dark soy sauce
- 1 tablespoon