Watermelon Gaspacho

Kataoka Mamoru
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You can also use Asatsuki instead of parsley. Leave it overnight to make the flavor milder.
Cooking time: 25 minutes
Excluding the time of pickling
0 posts in arranging recipes
How to make it

Cut the cucumber into half a 5mm wide, and cut the celery into 5mm wide, excluding the streaks. Cut the carrots into half a 2mm wide half a month, and roughly chop the onions.


Divide the tomatoes into six equal parts. Cut the red pepper into 5mm wide and the pepper into 5mm wide.


Place [1], [2] and A in a bowl and leave in the fridge overnight.


Add watermelon cut into appropriate sizes to [3] and stir in a mixer.


Strain [4].


Cut all cucumbers, yellow paprika, red paprika, onion, and carrots (not included in each) into 2-3 mm squares.


Place [5] in a bowl and flick [6].


Sprinkle olive oil on [7] and it's done.

Materials 6 people

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