Simmered saury in tomato

Garlic is prone to burning when grilled in high heat of oil, but evacuating to the saury flesh prevents burning and the garlic aroma transfers well.
Cut off the saury's head, pull out the internal organs with chopsticks or something to lightly wash the contents.

Cut into pieces about 5cm wide, easy to eat, sprinkle with salt and pepper, place in a batter lined with flour and sprinkle the flour all over.

In a frying pan with a heated olive oil, add the garlic crushed with a knife, and when the aroma comes out, add the saury and cook over high heat until both sides are browned.

Excess oil will come out, so discard it using a frying pan lid or something similar, add all the ingredients for the sauce, blend it all together, cover it and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.

Place the saury on a plate, pour in sauce from a frying pan and pour a bit of olive oil and you're done.

- Saury
- 2 fish
- salt
- Appropriate amount
- Coarsely smelt black pepper
- Appropriate amount
- cake flour
- Appropriate amount
- Olive oil
- 1 tablespoon
- garlic
- 1 piece
- White wine
- 2 tbsp
- Italian parsley
- A pinch
- Caper crude
- 1 tablespoon
- water
- 30cc
- For finishing olive oil
- 1 tablespoon