Base clam soup

Japanese food
Chef teaches basic "ki"
Tamura Takashi
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It's very delicious when you make Fukagawa zuke or miso soup, using the base clam soup. If you boil the next clam with the strained liquid, the clam soup will be thicker. At Tsukiji Tamura, I always use rich foods that I've repeated for the second or third time.
The boiled clams are also plump, as they are not cooked too much.
Cooking time: 10 minutes
0 posts in arranging recipes
How to make it

Place the clams in a pot, add the sauce or water, and heat.


Once the two or three clams have opened, turn off the heat, cover and wait for 2.5 minutes.


After 2.5 minutes, I checked that the remaining clams were open, strain them with a colander, separate the clams and juices, and finished.


If you boil the clams again with this liquid, you will get a richer soup. It feels salty even without any salt added, so it's a good idea to serve it as a dish.


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