Introducing recipes that bring out the hidden deliciousness of the extremely popular scallops and their charm!

Scallops are popular bivalves known for their rich flavor. Here we will introduce the characteristics of scallops, how to choose them, and recommended recipes.

What is scallops?

Scallops are large bivalves with shells of 15-20cm in width and length. Most of them are farmed, and the main production areas are Hokkaido and Tohoku. The portion that is considered to be edible is mainly scallops, and is available on the market in a variety of forms, including raw, frozen, canned, and dried products.

Seasonality and how to choose

Scallops can be enjoyed all year round, but natural products are in season in winter. The shell is fresh and lively with the shells closed. Choose a shiny, shiny bead.

Recommended ways to eat

It is used in a variety of Japanese, Western and Chinese dishes. Scallops in particular are used as they are baked as is, as they are, and for stir-fried dishes, soups, and rice dishes.

Recommended recipes using scallops

1. Stir-fried scallops and tomatoes

Ingredients (serves 4)
  • Scallops: 250-300g
  • Raw Shiitake: 4 pieces
  • Ginger (chopped): 2 tsp
  • Selfie (coarsely chopped): 2 bottles
  • Salt, pepper, hard flour, salad oil, sesame oil
How to make it
  1. Season the scallops with salt, pepper, hard flour, and salad oil, and quickly boil them in boiling water.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into 2cm cubes and cut the raw shiitake mushrooms into four to six.
  3. Fry the ginger, add scallops and lightly cook.
  4. Add tomatoes and raw shiitake mushrooms, stir-fry, and thicken them with water-soluble trimming flour. Add selfie and sesame oil and it's finished.

2. Scented scallops

Ingredients (serves 4)
  • Scallops: 8
  • Sudachi (thin slices): 8 pieces
  • Kelp sake soy sauce: 1 tablespoon
  • salt
How to make it
  1. Place a lattice-shaped knife on the scallops, sprinkle a thin layer of salt, and soak it in kelp sake soy sauce.
  2. Lightly cook on the grill.
  3. Place thin slices of sudachi and serve.

3. Warm salad with scallops and cabbage

Ingredients (serves 4)
  • Scallops: 8
  • Cabbage (center leaflets): 6 pieces
  • Proccoli: 1 pc
  • Butter, salad oil
  • Shallots (chopped), wine vinegar (red), salt, pepper
  • Selfie
How to make it
  1. Sprinkle the scallops with salt, pepper, and sprinkle with flour and bake.
  2. Boil the cabbage and smash and lightly stir-fry in butter and oil.
  3. Make a dressing with shallots and wine vinegar and pour it over cabbage, smash and scallops.
  4. Sprinkle selfie and it's done.

These recipes bring out the deliciousness of scallops and are easy to enjoy at home. Please try the diverse flavors of scallops.

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