Mexicali Porpetti Pasta

Kataoka Mamoru
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Porpetti (Italian-style meatballs) are made with Mexicali and served in a warm soup with a cappelini. Normally, cappelini is boiled and then cooled in ice water, but this time we will eat it as a hot noodle dish, so you can just drain it and put it in the soup.
Cooking time: 40 minutes
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How to make it

After pre-treating the Mexicalikari, grated into three pieces and peeled the skin. Place in a blender to form a smooth paste.


Transfer to a bowl and add [A] and mix well. Instead of adding all the beaten eggs, add them little by little, and adjust the firmness while watching the situation.


Boil plenty of water and add a pinch of salt. Boil the paste from [2] using a spoon to form it into a spoon. Once it floats, take it out into ice water to remove the rough heat. The boiling time is approximately 2 minutes.


Cut the long green onions into small pieces 1.5cm wide. You can also use the blue part of the head.


Put the basic bouillon in a pot, bring to a boil, and transfer the skewers from [3]. Add white pepper and soy sauce and simmer while removing the scum. After 2-3 minutes, add the long green onions from [4].


Boil the cappelini in 1% salt water for 1 minute. You'll transfer it to the soup, so you can just boil it a little harder.


Transfer the drained cappelini to the pot in [5] and heat it over a heat for about 30 seconds.


Remove from the heat, place the cappelini in a bowl, and place the ingredients on top. Pour the soup, pour chopped clams and white pepper to finish.

Ingredients for 4 people

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