To recover from fatigue in spring! Recipe with a refreshing stew of chicken wings and eggs

During this season when you can feel the spring weather, you often feel tired along with the pleasant temperature. In such cases, we recommend a refreshing stew made with chicken wings and eggs.

The refreshing sourness and sweet and spicy flavor will spurt your appetite and gently soak your tired body.

This dish is easy to make and is nutritious, so it can be easily incorporated into it even during busy days.

In this article, we will provide a brief explanation of the refreshing stew of chicken wings and eggs, as well as a recipe.

The origins and charms of the refreshing stewed chicken wings and eggs

The refreshing stewed chicken wings is a popular Japanese home cooking. In particular, stewed dishes using vinegar are said to be highly effective for the body. Vinegar contains citric acid, which is said to help relieve fatigue.

The chicken wings are bone-in, have a strong umami flavor, and absorb the flavor of the seasonings well, making them perfect for stews. The refreshing taste is perfect for the spring weather and brightens up your dining table.

Recipes and Ingredients

Ingredients (for two to three people)

  • Chicken wings: 8-10 bottles
  • Eggs: 3
  • Ginger (thin slices): 5-6 pieces
  • Bean: About 10 bottles


  • Vinegar: 100cc
  • Soy Sauce: 100cc
  • Water: 100cc
  • Sugar: 2 tbsp
  • Mirin: 1 tablespoon
  • Alcohol: 1 tablespoon

How to make it

1. Prepare boiled eggs Boil the eggs to the desired consistency and peel the shell.

2. Preparation of beans Boil the beans, soak them in cold water, and once the heat has subsided, cut them into lengths that are easy to eat.

3. Preparation of chicken wings Return the chicken wings to room temperature and wipe off any water. By placing one cut about 2cm wide in the skin, the meat will cook better and the flesh will easily come off from the bone.

4. Heat a small amount of oil in a pot or pan where you want to bake the chicken wings , then add the chicken wings from the skin to brown them thoroughly. Bake locks in the umami flavor and prevents it from falling apart.

5. Wipe off the fat from the stewed grilled chicken wings with kitchen paper, add seasonings and thin slices of ginger, and heat.

6. When the chicken wings are finished, add the boiled eggs and simmer until the chicken wings are soft. Once the flavor has soaked throughout, turn off the heat and serve in a bowl with the bean paste.


For your body, which tends to get tired with the arrival of spring, why not try making a refreshing stew of chicken wings and eggs?

This dish is perfect for recovering from fatigue, with the refreshing sourness of the vinegar and the sweet and spicy flavor.

It is easy to make with simple ingredients, so try it as a dish that will add a touch of color to your busy daily meals.

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